  • With such a wealth of information here at SWAN, we want to make it easier for you to find the knowledge you seek as quickly as possible.

  • Lighthouse uses some of the most advanced AI language models to understand your questions and sifts through SWAN's entire knowledge base to find an answer. We have carefully trained it to present relevant information in a consolidated way.

  • As you navigate an ocean of information, let Lighthouse be your beacon.

  • Disclaimer: We cannot always guarantee complete or accurate responses, given that AI-powered dialogue is still an emerging technology. Lighthouse will always accompany answers with the most relevant references, which we encourage you to check out. We highly value your feedback to ensure that Lighthouse meets the highest standards of quality and reliability. If you notice something off, please contact us at:

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Knowledge Hub

A central database of smart water resources.


Find quick and reliable answers to help guide you along your digital journey

Join the leading, global smart water hub.

SWAN Circular Framework

Building off the industry accepted, SWAN 5-Layer Model, this new circular framework is a result of the evolution of smart water and strategic input provided by diverse, global SWAN Members and thought leaders.

SWAN Interactive Architecture Tool

A product of cross-industry collaboration, the SWAN Interactive Architecture Tool allows you to navigate through smart water solution diagrams according to your specific business drivers and challenge areas.